Clue 7 of 22
Cluesolvers Game Builder
Edit an Existing Game:
Create a New Game:
Currently Editing Game:
{{ }} ({{ currentGame.sku }})
Edit a Different Game:
Create a New Game:
Clue Organizer
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You are currently offline. Changes will be saved locally only. Reconnect to save game details to the server.
You need to add a Group First
How to Use the Path Builder
The purpose of the Path Builder is to help you visually layout the path(s) players will follow on your game. You will add clues you build in the clue organizer into a series of nodes and edges. Clues with multiple answers will generate sub-paths.
Create a Path: You create a path by clicking the "Create New Path" button, giving the path a name, and clicking the save button.
Select a Path: You can select a previously created path for this game from the dropdown menu.
Delete a Path: Delete a path by clicking the "Delete Path" button. Careful, this is permanent.
Add a Clue: You add a clue by clicking a "plus" node on the canvas. A window will pop up showing you all of the available clues in the clue organizer. Choose a clue to add. You can add a clue more than once, to allow for complicated subpaths. You can also add a clue by clicking an "edge" - the line connecting two clues. This will insert a clue between two existing clues.
Delete a Clue: You can delete a clue by right-clicking on the clue you wish to delete. Note: You cannot delete multi-answer clues, the logic is too complicated to manage!
Edit a Clue: You can edit a clue by clicking the clue node on the canvas. The clue editor you're familiar with from the clue organizer will open.
A Note on Saving: As you add, delete and edit, your changes are saved to your local device. This means that in the event of a loss of connectivity, you can continue to create your game (as long as you don't refresh your page). It also means that auto-saving is much more complex. So, you have to click the save button to save your work permanently. We've warned you, we'll warn you some more, but the save button when you see it.
{{ JSON.stringify(playableJson, null, 2) }}
Game Styles
Add & edit styles for games by clue type
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Add New Style
Style Preview
Click the Preview to Show/Hide the Editor
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque consequat, purus vel vehicula pharetra, augue eros finibus libero, et bibendum dolor lorem nec sapien...
Game Structure
View the game structure by style and path
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Game Preview
Clue 7 of 22
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque consequat, purus vel vehicula pharetra, augue eros finibus libero, et bibendum dolor lorem nec sapien...
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Click proceed when you're ready for the next clue.
Minor Hint
No minor hint available.
Major Hint
No major hint available.
Pass Clue
Are you sure you want to pass this clue?
Clue Locations
Clue Details
When you make changes here, the changes are saved locally. Close the modal and click the save button to update the game in the database.
Clue Name
Clue Type
Clue Text
Text answer or button choice, depending on clue type
A "Failed" option is automatically added for timers.
Text answer or button choice, depending on clue type
Timer Options
Hint Options
Clue Location
Clue Colour
Tool for visually organizing your clues in the clue organizer
Select a Clue
{{ }}
No clues available. Please create some clues first.
Select a Clue
{{ }}
No clues available. Please create some clues first.
Import Game JSON
This utility will import and existing game in the current Cluesolvers Game JSON format, sort clues by clue number, and inster a clue into the clue organizer with relevant clue details according to type. Paste the entire file below and click "Insert Clues".
Paste your game JSON below: